Saturday, March 14, 2009

Atlas Prep Review [Part 2 of 2]

My notetaking in the afternoon suffered a bit :) but I think I still got relatively accurate picture of the rest of the atlas:

Diurnal Cycle [Sally + Josh]

Comments about the manipulation of representation. An idea of representation at science museum gift shops was brought up – How can we use the metaphor of a game to represent our maps and ideas?

Land/Water Interface: Ghats [Christian]

We had a discussion on the differences between male and female ghats and how they interface with the river (symbolically and physically). The city is very cosmopolitan but our site in Kalighat is very Hindi.

Land/Water Interface: Urban Warp [Boyoung]

Discussion on using the textiles to map the urban warp of the city; the differences between straight roads presumably used for transport to the winding roads presumably used for pedestrian movement.

Built Interface: The Public/Private [Hao-Hsin]

The diagram of the private/public relationship to ground, porosity of wall, shape of roof, etc., needs to be more fully developed. Perhaps cross referencing these qualities to urban patterns would help. We need density numbers. The idea of multiple levels: motivational facts of urban chronology and building typologies. 

‘Spine’/Transect: Land use [Atisha]

Perhaps we need a combo map with water wells? The area of the land use map needs to be expanded to see adjacencies to our site. Look at grounding – of ownership, utility, etc.

Land/Water Interface: Inundation [Erin]

The flood map needs an improvement of legibility and the addition of temple relationships to flooding.

“Human Capital”/”Symbiosis” [Mike + Ji Hyun + Jong]

How do you represent services and educational statistics?

“Diurnal Rhythms”: Religion [Devon+Melissa]

Articulation of measuring device is needed for spheres of influence.

Land/Water Interface: Canal [Morgan]

There needs to be overlap with the slums and canal edge. Is Canal deeper on one side or the other?

Built Interface: Architectural Typologies [Daisuke+Hao-Hsin]

We had a discussion on the transformation of edge and implying elevation with an elevation marker.

Built Interface: Street Typologies [Jeremi]

Representational comments and suggestions as well as identifying the need for an articulated built edge. 

“Digestive”: Resource Collection [Devon+Lizzy]

The mapping of markets, resource collection and distribution for organic product – fish and vegetables and how to map the amount of flow.

Phenomenological [Kelly]

How would a walk in Kalighat be replicable in Providence? Kelly is not going to India and is providing us with a mapping toolset for comparison. How would you map the fragrances of Kolkata?

Transect [Morgan+Josh]

Ah, the challenge of representation: the scaling of a ~300 mile transect from the Himylayas to the delta...

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